EST. 1982 - NYC

DUSC Academy


DUSC Effort

Rec League

Rec Classes-120


summer camp


the most comprehensive soccer club in NYC.

Downtown United Soccer Club, Inc. is organized as a 501c(3) not for profit entity to educate, train and inspire youth soccer players of all ages and abilities in a positive, respectful, supportive environment. To foster a community that reflects the diversity of New York City in which children can develop a lifelong love for the beautiful game and realize their full potential as both players and people.

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Downtown United Soccer Club (DUSC) is the most comprehensive soccer club in NYC.  Serving approximately 5,000 participants annually in Downtown Manhattan and the greater NYC area, DUSC offers programs for players of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Whether starting out in our mini ballers Classes (Beginning at Age 3), or participating in our highly competitive U23 Men’s or Women’s teams, our professional staff offer programs for all stages of development and interest.